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Oaklands Primary School

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Welcome to Oaklands Primary

Head's Welcome 

My name is Tessa Hodgson and I am delighted to welcome you to the Oaklands Primary School website.

Please find some videos about the ethos and curriculum at the school. We hope you enjoy them.

Video about the vision and values of the school


Virtual Tour of the school 

We would like to invite prospective parents and carers back to our Tuesday morning tours, which are led by our headteacher, Tessa Hodgson or one of our Senior Leadership Team, starting at 9am.  Tessa Hodgson Headteacher shares the school's value and vision and takes parents/carers on our tour of the school.  The tour lasts approximately 30 - 40 mintues

To book a place on a tour, please call the school office on 0208 567 5243 or email admin@oaklands.ealing.sch.uk/  We very much look forward to meeting you. 

Please click on the above video for a virtual tour of our school.

This was filmed on one morning so you can see what you would on one of our tours and get to know what Oaklands looks and feels like on an ordinary day.

If you have any other questions then please do not hesitate to contact us on the below number

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Oaklands Primary School.

Tessa Hodgson Headteacher