Oaklands focus – to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of the world around us through experience, observation and research and to understand how to deepen this knowledge through asking questions and conducting scientific investigation.
Science is taught weekly through structured lessons that focus on teaching the disciplinary scientific skills including: observing, classifying, planning and carrying out investigations, gathering and recording data and interpreting and explaining results, whilst also developing the children’s substantive knowledge.
Our EYFS pupils develop their understanding of the world through practical experiences and exploration of their environment.
In Years 1-6 teachers plan lessons which revise and build upon previous learning and provide opportunities for pupils to experience guided and independent practical activities that encourage them to question the world around them and develop the independence to explore and suggest possible lines of scientific enquiry.
Assessment in science in Early Years is through using “Evidence me”. In KS1 and KS2 each science lesson has clear learning objectives and success criteria which are formatively assessed and lessons adapted as a result. At the end of the unit we are developing “mastery tasks” that give teachers further information that inform their summative assessments against the learning objectives from the Rising Stars curriculum. These are recorded in classroom monitor.
Please click here to see the Nursery Science overview.
Please click here to see the Reception Science overview.
Please click here to see the KS1/2 Science curriculum overview.
Please click here to see how our core values have informed the content of the Science curriculum.