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Oaklands Primary School

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How do I get a place at Oaklands?

We accommodate children from ages 3-11. We strongly recommend families come and visit us first. We do a Parent Tour every TUESDAY from 9.00am - 10.30am, usually with the Headteacher. We advise all parents to tour a school before reading reports etc. You will know if the school feels right for your family!

Applying for a place in our Nursery

As a school we can only deal directly with parents for Nursery admissions. The application form is below. Once your child is 3 years old we can take them in our Nursery if there are spaces, but you can put your application in after your child turns 2.

If there is a waiting list the priority criteria used is:
Criteria 1      Looked After Child, Child In Need, SEN child
Criteria 2      Sibling who will be at Oaklands in September of the following academic year        Criteria 3      No sibling 
Spaces are then allocated on the distance from child's home address to the school (in a straight line) determined by Ealing Borough.

A sibling link is defined as the prospective Nursery child having a brother or sister (including step brothers and sisters or LAC siblings) on roll at Oaklands at the same time that they would start.  

Please contact the School Office as we still have a few remaining spaces. 

Please click here to download a Nursery Registration Form

Complete the above Registration form and return to the School Office to register your interest at Oaklands Nursery. Please note a place at our Nursery does not guarantee a place in our Reception. 

Reception Admissions

All Reception places are allocated by Ealing Council's admission criteria. For more information please visit the relevant section of their website, we have added a link below.

In-Year Admissions

Ealing Council makes decisions for admission to Oaklands Primary School for pupils entering Y1 to Year 6, in-line with all local maintained community Primary schools. Prospective parents should contact Ealing Council to find out about admission arrangement and to enquire about waiting lists.

They will also guide you on school availability and next steps. 

If you are offered a place by Ealing Council, they will inform us and then you can contact us to finalise induction.

Once you have a accepted offer for an in-year admissions place at Oaklands, contact Miss McCarthy on 0208 567 5243.  Miss McCarthy will arrange a pre-admission meeting to complete relevant paperwork. 

If at any time you have a query about admissions, speak to Miss McCarthy or any of the Office team!

For more information about Reception or In-Year Admissions, please visit the Ealing Council Schools’ Admissions Page

Schools Admissions Service
(020) 8825 5511 (primary school) Opening hours: 9am-12pm
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL