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Oaklands Primary School

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Oaklands Focus – to overtly teach the school core values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Pride’ to develop self-awareness and empathy for others and grow into confident, well-rounded young people ready to take their place in the world.

We follow the PHSE curriculum developed by the London Borough of Ealing.  The scheme of work develops 3 themes: ‘Health & wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’.  Units of learning are linked by the golden threads of safeguarding, British Values and SMSC.  We also incorporate lessons which deliver a comprehensive programme of relationships, sex and health education. Important theme weeks are included within the long term plan such as Anti-bullying Week, Internet Safety week, Children’s Mental Health week etc.

Years 2, 4 and 6 participate in the borough-wide Health Related Survey every two years, the results of which inform decisions about PSHE priorities.  We also hold a careers fair every year to support the aims of the school Equality Statement and to help children to build aspirations.

We use our own programme called RISE, which builds on elements of Zones of Regulation, to teach children strategies for recognising their own feelings, identifying why they feel that way and for building a bank of strategies they can use to help them self-regulate.

The impact of the PHSE curriculum is assessed formatively and summarised in the annual report to parents published in July.

Please click here to see the Nursery PSED overview.

Please click here to see the Reception PSED overview.

Please click here to see the KS1/2 Autumn PSHE curriculum overview.

Please click here to see the KS1/2 Spring PSHE curriculum overview.

Please click here to see the KS1/2 Summer PSHE curriculum overview.

Please click here to see how our core values have informed the content of the PSHE curriculum.