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Oaklands Primary School

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Oaklands focus – to know and understand how to use your body in order to keep fit, heathy, play and socialise.

PE is taught twice a week. Once by our specialist PE teacher during teachers PPA, and once by the class teacher. We use the PE hub scheme of work and we are supported by Featherstone Sports Partnership. Mr Townson, our PE lead, assesses each child at the end of each unit against the skills progression in the PE Hub scheme. In addition to PE hub lessons children in Year 4 go swimming. As the pandemic prevented swimming lessons for 2 years additional swimming lessons were arranged for Year 4 and 5 last year to try and compensate.

In addition to the PE curriculum we also promote a wide number of opportunities for children to attend competitions in school time and have 9 different free sports clubs each term for children to join after school. Children who have suffered during the pandemic and have not developed their skills or love of sport are personally invited for small group sessions after school with the PE specialist teacher in order to build their confidence in lessons.

Our PE specialist also works alongside teachers to support their delivery of PE.

Please click here to see the Nursery PE curriculum overview. 

Please click here to see the Reception PE curriculum overview.

Please click here to see the KS1/2 PE curriculum overview.

Please click here to see how our core values have informed the content of the PE curriculum.

Sports Premium Funding Plans and Evaluations

The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools.

The premium enables schools to ensure PE and Sport has a high profile, teachers are highly skilled and the provision offered by the school is of an outstanding quality.

Sports Premium Annual Review 2021-22

Sports Premium Action Plan 2022-23