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Oaklands Primary School

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Oaklands Focus – to have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and the confidence and skills to enjoy solving problems in a range of contexts.

We use careful formative assessment and the White Rose hub materials to support teachers to create plans which are carefully designed to meet children’s needs.  We apply the principles of Mastery to ensure all learners have deep understanding which allows them to apply their learning in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.  Children are supported to develop that understanding by using a range of teaching strategies including emphasis on using models and representations to illustrate thinking, structures to support vocabulary and sentence building to help explain reasoning and opportunities to apply their learning to problem solving activities.

The teaching programme prioritises children’s learning about number in the autumn term and spends a lot of time securing their understanding which is then revisited as part of other topics throughout the rest of the year. 

Mathematics is also taught through other curriculum areas.  For example, experiences to use measures in real life contexts are incorporated in to the science and DT (Food Tech) curriculums, opportunities to gather and manipulate statistics are developed in geography.

Mathematics is also supported through home learning and online learning using TT Rockstars and Numbots to secure automaticity in recalling number facts and MyMaths to practise the wider maths curriculum.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Nursery. 

please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Reception.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 1.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 2.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 3.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 4.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 5.

Please click here to see the Maths curriculum overview for Year 6.

Please click here to see how our core values have informed the content of the Maths curriculum.